since - 3rd - October -1996 -/English by Fujiwara
The renewal of March -2002-

The aviation photograph.

since-1-Feb-1997To Japanes
although it is carrying out not all translation
since there is a beautiful photograph, please enjoy the pictures
There isone bridge built in 1912 .calledAmarube iron bridge. I am the owner there although the common restaurant and a simpletourist home hotel buildjust under the iron bridge. The hobby of an interchange network carried out happy and such a home page was made.

œAmarube iron bridge
œjust under the iron bridge.
œThe Amarube photograph collection
œRestaurant & menu
œConstruction of an iron bridge (October-1996-)

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Caferest AMARUBE & Tourist-home hotel KAWATOYA
1733-1 Amarube kasumi-cho, Kinosaki-gun, Hyogo, 669-6671 Japan
Phone 81+796-34-0315 (Japanese only.)

Copyright(C) Kawatoya@All rights reserved.